Archive for January, 2016

Guided Bilocation Meditation to Cut Karmic Ties

*Read experiences below

Dear Friends,

We finally have the new recording that we have been telling you about.

The 10th recording of our Basic Love Energy Techniques is now available. This amazingly unique recording teaches you how to activate a Merkaba and guides you in a bilocation to the safety of our 23 acre/9 hectare Love Energy Sanctuary so you may self help and self heal yourself while in the comfort of your home.

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Karma and Health Problems

Karma is the source of all health problems. Please realize that when we use the word karma, (as explained in our “Karma” recording), we refer to both karmic debt repayments for past actions and karmic spiritual tests for an Ascension in this lifetime. Karma can result from actions in a previous lifetime as well as from actions done in this lifetime.

In the wisdom and techniques included in our upcoming Unconditional Love Energized ...

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